The second seminar of 2018 of the Technologie Kring about ‘The paper-/board machine and paper-/board products’ last week, with a clear international character, was a great success again! About 80-90 participants made this possible. There were a lot of qualitative good masterclasses, an interesting in-depth workshop, a small technology market and not to forget; a […]
In November 2018 the Technologie Kring award was won by Sander van Calker. In his presentation ‘Headbox modification by 3D-Printing, to work with long non-wood fibers’, he suggests an innovative solution for the technical problem of fiber blocking the machine by 3D printing.
‘The 24 hours of Apeldoorn’ brought the paper technologists community together, where exchange and sharing of knowledge, experiences and the newest innovations in the field of ‘The paper-/board machine and paper-/board products’ where key. This seminar showed that the integration of energy aspects into technologies is increasing. On the one hand we were told about […]
The attendance of the June 2023 seminar of the Technologie Kring was high with almost 80 participants! ‘The 24 hours of Apeldoorn’ brought the paper technologists community together, where exchange and sharing of knowledge, experiences and the newest innovations in the field of ‘raw materials and stock preparation’ where key. Many urgent topics were discussed. […]
The attendance of the Technologie kring 23/24 November 2022 was very high with over 80 participants!
New technologies for the paper- and cardboard machine as well as machines, sensors and green chemistry must significantly reduce our energy consumption. There was a lot of energy in the group and that’s what we need!
Emma W Janco of BIM Kemi and Anton Wemmers of Huhtamaki Fiber Technology B.V. won the Technologie Kring Award November 2022! There was a good and informal atmosphere in the learning community of paper technology.
We would like to invite you already for our seminars next year (28th and 29th of June 2023 / 22nd and 23rd of November 2023).
‘The 24 hours of Apeldoorn’ brings the paper technologists community together, where exchange and sharing of knowledge, experiences and the newest innovations in the field of raw materials en stock preparation where key. Many urgent topics were discussed. You could notice that people are really thinking about changes and energy savings that are necessary for […]
‘The 24 hours of Apeldoorn’ brings the paper technologists community together, where exchange and sharing of knowledge, experiences and the newest innovations for the paper-/board machine and paper-/board products where key. We had speakers from several countries, so indeed an international seminar. The attendance was huge with over 90 participants and the atmosphere was very […]
‘The 24 hours of Apeldoorn’ brings the paper technologists community together, where exchange and sharing of knowledge, experiences and the newest innovations for raw material and stock preparation where key. The community was improved by several new technologists, as well as young talent. We had speakers from the Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Finland, Italy, Austria, […]
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